Friday, September 20th at the Marriott Trumbull Shelton, 180 Hawley Lane, Trumbull, CT


Featuring Daniel Ettinger of Keep it Humane

Click here to learn about Daniel Ettinger


Conference Program

7:30am - Registration & Continental Breakfast


8:00am - Annual Meeting, Elections, Awards presentation


8:30am - News from the Department of Agriculture



Introducing S.M.A.R.T. Animal Shelters

The acronym S.M.A.R.T refers to Saving the Majority of Animals with Responsible Treatment. Animal Control was founded out of the need for public safety, and the animal welfare movement in the United States is only 157 years old. Current trends include the transportation of homeless pets from the south to the north, TNR, and No-Kill. But what are the consequences, what is the succession plan, and what is the right thing to do for the community? This thought-provoking session will take you through the darkest times of animal welfare to the newest concept, SMART Animal Shelters.


10:15am - Break



Verbal De-Escalation: Stepping Back from the Edge

Have you ever been yelled at by someone while conducting an investigation or helping a customer at the animal shelter? Did you say something that made the situation worse? Have you ever needed to call for a police officer or a supervisor to help you with a verbally combative person? This lecture was designed from techniques like verbal judo, crisis intervention and mediation. We will look at how your body language, tone and the words you use dictate the flow of your interaction and how to make an argumentative person become polite and respectful.


12:00pm - Lunch


1:00pm - Break



Animal Sex Crimes

Though this topic is taboo, that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Bestiality is more common than you think, and it’s linked to other crimes like sexual violence amongst children, at risk youth and adults. We will discuss Connecticut state law for a better understanding of how to build and prove your case. Learn the ways people groom their animals to participate in this crime along with case studies and ways to investigate it on the internet.


2:30pm - Break



Unleashing Laughter: The Benefits of Humane Humor

Why isn’t humor widely accepted as being professional? Using humor tactfully can help create a better work environment and reduce secondary traumatic stress. Humane Humor helps unleash laughter focused on good, healthy humor. Studies show laughter can reduce stress and help de-escalate hostile situations, but using poor humor can amplify them and create a divide between teammates and community members. There will be examples given to identify where and when to use the different styles of humor and how positive thoughts can lead to a happy & healthy work-life balance.


4:15pm - Door Prizes!