Tethering dogs

The new law requires that dogs be provided with adequate shelter when out of doors for more than 15 minutes during National Weather Service advisories of extreme heat or cold, if the animal's health and safety is threatened based on its breed, coat thickness, physical condition and other factors. The prior law prohibited canines from being tied or tethered to stationary objects for more than 15 minutes in adverse weather. The new law also prohibits tethering a dog to a stationary object or mobile device like a pulley without providing drinking water at least twice in each 24-hour period. Violators are liable to $100 fines for the first offense, $200 for a second offense, and between $250 and $500 for a third or subsequent offense. EFFECTIVE 10/1/22


DOAG 2022 Legislative Package.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 868.4 KB
DoAg Animal Welfare Legislation 2021
The document is 55 pages. Pages 11-37 pertain to Animal Control.
DOAG 2022 Legislative Package.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 868.4 KB
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