CT Department of Agriculture Rabies Manual

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Quarantine Form
Dog Cat Ferret Quarantine Order 7 24 19
Adobe Acrobat Document 130.2 KB
New March 2022 DOAG ACO Monthly Reporting Requirements
CMACOA A26 REVISED 03.07.22.xls
Microsoft Excel Table 151.5 KB
DOAG Monthly Reporting
Letter with new DOAG monthly reporting requirements and procedures.
3 4 22 NEW CMACOA A26 copy.docx
Microsoft Word Document 57.5 KB
MACO Reporting Users Guide version 3.0 0
Adobe Acrobat Document 1'019.5 KB


Wildlife Rehabilitators List

(Click on the animal species for appropriate list)

Suspected Animal Abuse Report
This form gets filed with the Dept. of Agriculture so info can be forwarded to the Dept. of Children & Families.
Microsoft Word Document 21.9 KB
Animal Restraint Order
There is currently not a fillable PDF version of this latest form.
Animal Restraint Order 10.16.19.docx
Microsoft Word Document 20.2 KB
Animal Disposal Order
There is currently not a fillable PDF version of this latest form.
Animal Disposal Order 10.16.19.docx
Microsoft Word Document 17.5 KB

Animal Importer Online List

Standards of Care for Animal Importers
Animal Importer Info Rev 2-2017.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 287.4 KB
Importer Statutes & resources
Transport Class Handout.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 263.2 KB


Ferret and Small Animal Training Info

This is a link to the Ferret Assoc web page which provides lots of information.  All handouts from the classes are there also.